
Parenting is

ScienceArtExcitingScaryImperfectFortune Telling

To be able to foretell how the world will look like in 15 years, all we need to see is:

How are parents today raising their kids?

Looking for experts?

Don't look at us, look at yourselves.

You're the experts in


Looking for the support every

expert needs?

We, are the support.

We have a simple goal:

Become every

superhero parents'

trusted sidekick.

From content-tech to ecommerce, from productivity to interactive experiences, we do everything parents around the world ask us to do(like good boys and girls).
Tech supports Parenting
Recent surveys in the US reveal that 87% of parents rely on smartphones for parenting advice, with 72% using parenting apps and online communities for support.
Parents trust Tech
In India, 67% of parents turn to mobile apps for tracking pregnancy and child development, while 78% rely on digital resources for child health and nutrition guidance.
Parents need better Tech
Google's 2023 study highlights a 35% surge in Indian parents' engagement with parenting apps and websites, indicating an increasing reliance on digital platforms.
